Ecclesiology and Exclusion

       Call For Papers


(Note: This Call for Papers presupposes information found on the "Theme" page.)


All junior and senior scholars are invited to deliver papers on topics parallel to that of the conference. Graduate students are also invited to deliver papers in a pre-conference session for graduate students on the evening of Wednesday, May 18th, 2011.

We are calling for papers from a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinary standpoints. General topic areas include but are not limited to:

Ecclesiology, Exclusion, and...

Racism,   Marginalization,   Globalization,   Sacramental practice,   Ecumenical Progress,   Cultural Theory,   Schism,   Postmodern Thought,   Gender,    Pluralism,   Migration,   Interreligious   Dialogue,  Disability Studies,  Secularization,   Moral Theology,   Christian Community,   Ascetical Practices, Humanities Perspectives,  Sociological Perspectives,   Tolerance,   Evangelization,   Deconstruction,   Mysticism,   and Case Studies (local communities, churches, dialogue groups, social networks, countries, etc.)

Proposals should be submitted in the form of an outline or abstract of 250-300 words. Please, also include a short academic profile, including bibliographical information where applicable. Please send all proposals to Dennis Doyle.

Presenters will be given thirty minutes total time, including both presentation and discussion. It is recommended that the presentation portion take about twenty minutes.

Paper submissions will be considered starting October 1, 2010 until February 1, 2011. Authors of accepted proposals will usually be notified within a month of their proposal being received. Any person wishing to participate and who will need to travel from a long distance should submit as early as possible in order to be able to receive a decision in time to book economy flights, etc.

The conference organizers hope to publish a volume of selected essays from the conference. If this is the case, we will ask for full versions of the paper at a time near to the conference dates. Papers submitted at that time for consideration for a possible volume should be approximately 8000 to 10,000 words. The Chicago Manual of Style (Turabian) format is preferred.

Scholars who are planning to present in French, German, Italian, or Spanish should also send in an abstract in English at the earliest opportunity. The main working language of the conference will be English but papers may be presented in French, German, Italian and Spanish as well, provided that an abstract and one-page list of the main points of the paper are also submitted in English.